Friday, March 13, 2009

March Update

Sarah was seen at the International Adoption Clinic for her six months checkup.
Our girl is 36 inches tall and 29 lbs.

March Update:
Sarah is on solid foods again.
Sarah returned to Preschool Monday, March 2.
Her teacher said she has two girlfriends she holds hand with during rug time.
Sarah missed school three days this week. Monday, Sarah didn't want her dad to leave her at school. He stayed about an hour with her until she was okay for him to leave. She had congestion and bad cough so I kept her home Tuesday. She hardly slept Tuesday night, so we took her to the doctor Wednesday. When my little girl doesn't want to run and play, I know she is sick. She fevered up Wednesday night, but by Thursday evening, she was playing again.

Our cheerleader

Love the glasses

Play time

Our little Sarah has an imagination!
She wanted her Daddy to make the mask for her.
We call her "Miss Freeze"

Who is that masked hero?

Sarah in February

Sarah thinks shaving like Daddy is cool.

Okay a couple of pictures before church.

Home from the hospital - February 4, 2009

We just got home from the hospital. While Stephen and Sarah worked new puzzles, Mom searched for the camera. While we couldn't find it at the hospital, it wasn't at home either. I found the camera in the back of the car trunk where it fell out of my bag.